
RevolutionUS: A nonviolent campaign for American Justice

A Nonviolent Campaign to Restore Constitutional Rights, Repeal the Patriot Act, protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and reveal the truth about Brain Implantation by governments around the world against people's will. RevolutionUS will also work to stop fracking and build the renewable energy and mass transit infrastructure to solve the climate change crisis.

Please help the nonviolent revolution to repeal the Patriot Act, expose the truth about brain implants and other government misdeeds, and restore the Constitution as the supreme law of the land.
The organization will also work to stop anti-environmental atrocities like drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, fracking and other major problems.
RevolutionUS is a nonviolent organization dedicated to protecting and restoring Constitutional Rights, while working to stop destructive actions by President Donald Trump, who did not properly win the election because of government meddling, undue influence of his billions of dollars, and other reasons like election fraud. will work to force the government to publish all National Security Letters (better called Nazi Spying Legacies), and admit to all actions that is has done under the Patriot Act, and who did them, and who their victims were.
RevolutionUS will also work to expose police misconduct, particularly related to that done for political malice, including dereliction of duty that allows their secret goons to cause damage to people like me, who dare to speak truth to power.
RevolutionUS president Chad Kister has a website about him and his 4 published books. He has released Arctic Quest on audio download, read by him for free.
Action 1: Watch the videos of Chad Kister getting assaulted by NSA Goon and AEP employee Ryan Caywood at Call the Athens County Sheriffs, using a recording device, at 740-593-6633. Get any interesting recordings to Chad Kister at
Action 2: Call Congress at 202-224-3121 and demand a Congressional Investigation on brain implants (see